Top Trends Affecting The Trucking Industry In 2022 | Agg Connect - Best Trucking Company in Indianapolis

Professional truck services are an essential and integral part of American businesses and individuals. Each stakeholder in freight transportation management is susceptible to trends affecting the trucking industry. They are mainly concerned about the safety of the trucking services in transporting goods and materials. During the pandemic, this dependence has increased manyfold and the current supply chain issues have aggravated it further. The trucking industry has quite successfully turned the tide of the pandemic into their prosperity. 

According to a recent report, around 71% of all commodities are transported by professional truck services in the USA. Previously, the industry has witnessed major eventful changes influencing the overall performance of this sector. In the past, we have witnessed major events that had shaped the way things are done within the industry. Looking ahead to the rest of 2022, this blog will highlight a few trends that could transform the trucking industry. So keep a watchful eye while reading this blog. 

Top Trucking Industry Trends In 2022:

#1 Growing Fuel Costs & Financial Losses:

Experts and transport operators have always believed that fuel constitutes the largest cost component of the trucking industry. After the pandemic, the fuel price could not keep pace with the growing market demand. The factors like the Russia-Ukraine war have also fueled the diesel price. Now industries need fuel more than ever. The current per gallon diesel price is almost  $1148 higher than a year before. As prices continue to shoot, the freight charges and transportation costs will also rise. 

One of the critical trends affecting the trucking industry is the poor financial conditions of the trucking companies. In the last few years, several trucking companies have had to close shops due to the market situation. It cost the industry the loss of 3000 jobs of truck drivers. The lack of professional drivers and reliable truck companies will significantly influence the future of trucking services. However, the lack of professional operators has also opened up opportunities for new companies and professionals to fill the vacuum. The industry can expect more mergers to tackle the current trucking crisis. 

#2 Growing Influence Of Technology:

In the next few years, experts believe that emerging technologies will have the ultimate say in the industry. The industry has already seen the bygone days of papers. Now it is time for smart technologies like tracking and routing to take over. Like many other states, truck rental services in Indiana have also incorporated these changes. These changes will evolve in the future. Smart technological solutions will anchor the course of the trucking industry in the coming days. 

A recent survey suggests that in the next 5 years, most loading will be booked by using smart apps. Very soon, the tracking and shipping management will be controlled and operated by the data analytic features of the software. The emergence of artificial intelligence, EVs, and vehicle automation will call the shot. 

#3 Increasing Potentials In Freight Volume:

The American Trucking Association has projected a 24% increase in freight volume this year. As the pandemic has started to show signs of its departure, the market demand has also started to pick up. Though an increase in freight volume is good for the industry, this will certainly put additional pressure on it. So, the trucking industry is all set to move forward and economize on time and resources. Top companies such as truck rental services in Indiana are likely to use trucking tools and apps more often. 

#4 Expected Changes In Pricing:

One of the major trends affecting the trucking industry is the price challenges for truck companies. Fewer earnings of American truck drivers have been a persistent problem for so many years. They earn less than the drivers who work for popular cab companies like Uber,  Lyft, etc. A pay increase for drivers is a matter of concern for major truck companies. Rising fuel costs & supply chain crises force truck companies to change their prices. However, the growing competition and demand may also force truck companies to cut their prices even further. One thing is certain you should expect significant changes in the prices offered for trucking services in the coming days. 

#5 Overwhelming Influences Of the E-Commerce Sector:

Nowadays, the e-commerce sector has risen sharply and most businesses around the world have e-commerce stores. Nowadays, more buyers like to buy goods online. The growing popularity of the e-commerce sector is setting up the trends affecting the trucking industry. The sector can only grow with the proper assistance and support from truck services. Professional truck services will likely grow with the growth of e-commerce. Distribution centers, retail stores, and clients will be the biggest beneficiaries. 


Hopefully, you have found our blog on trends affecting the trucking industry useful. The industry is going to evolve in the days ahead while tackling hard challenges. If you are searching for a truck rental service in Indiana for your business, Agg Connect can help you out. Our services are compatible with the industries like heavy construction, transportation logistics, manufacturing collaboration, etc. We have designed our truck services to assist all stakeholders of freight management including fleet managers, contractors, suppliers, drivers, etc. We give them a single platform for better work collaboration while facilitating a safe and systematic transport solution. Please visit our website pages to know more about our services and connect with us to submit your queries. 

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